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Five Different Types of Health Insurance Coverage

One would think all health insurance is the same, but that’s not true. We understand that finding the right health insurance coverage can be a daunting task. Colling Insurance Services, Inc. can assist you in Lakewood, CO.

1: Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

HMOs are a type of coverage that connects patients with " in-network " doctors. They only cover out-of-network cases in emergencies. These plans are convenient as they offer multiple locations throughout specific areas. They also allow you to get treatment from a PCP and emphasize prevention, care, and wellness.

2: Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)

A PPO is a network of healthcare providers where patients pay less if they visit in-network providers. These providers are often spread across specific areas, with some organizations being nationwide. These plans are ideal for individuals who travel frequently or prefer to keep their options open, as they can visit doctors and hospitals even if they aren’t on the preferred provider list.

3: Exclusive Provider Organizations (EPOs)

An EPO health insurance plan is similar to a PPO, except patients can only see in-network providers. These plans often include more providers in specific areas. The only downside is that they might require referrals to see any provider other than your PCP.

4: Point-of-service (POS) Plans

POS plans allow patients to pay less if they use specific doctors or hospitals for healthcare services. You can use providers in this type of plan’s network at lower costs. However, they often lack choice, and patients will need a referral to see a specialist. 

5: High-deductible Health Plans (HDHPs)

An HDHP is a type of healthcare plan with higher deductibles but lower monthly premiums. It can be an excellent choice for those who don’t frequently need to see a doctor. In addition, it can be used in conjunction with an HSA, which is a savings account for healthcare costs.

The Bottom Line

Choosing a plan can be complex, as many factors influence each plan. Colling Insurance Services, Inc. can help you find the perfect plan if you’re located in the Lakewood, CO, area. Contact us through our website or give us a call.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Braces?

Many people get dental insurance to help with the cost of those procedures. If you live in the Lakewood, CO, area, we invite you to consult with one of our experienced agents at Colling Insurance Services Inc. Our agency has been serving area clients since 1957, and we will work with you to find a customized solution for your insurance needs.

One dental procedure that can be costly is getting braces. According to Value Penguin, the costs of braces will vary based on the materials used and the length of time they will be needed. Dental insurance policies will cover some or all of the costs of braces. Almost all dental policies will cover the x-rays, examinations, and braces installation procedures by the dentist.

To discover whether your dental insurance policy covers braces, you’ll have to read some fine print in your policy. According to EHealthinsurance, it’s also essential to know whether the policy’s braces coverage will apply to the costs of braces for adults. The same website reports that although 25% of U.S. patients who wear braces are adults, braces are not typically covered for those clients. If you’re anticipating braces for you or someone in your family, you need to check your family’s parameters.

Call Us Today for an Appointment

When you need dental insurance, you need to get a clear picture of what your policy will cover. If you live near Lakewood, CO, we encourage you to meet with one of our agents at Colling Insurance Services to discuss your insurance needs. We will review our many coverage options and work with you until we can find suitable options for you. Call us for an appointment today, and let’s talk about insurance.

Had an Accident? How to Counter Your Insurance Premiums Rising

If you were involved in an accident in the Lakewood, CO area, there is a good chance your auto insurance premiums will increase. Unfortunately, this can be cause for alarm if you are on a tight budget. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to counter these increases and hopefully keep your auto insurance affordable. Here are three of those things.

Showing You Weren’t At Fault for the Accident

In some cases, your insurance company won’t increase your rates if you can show you were not at fault for the accident. Obtain a police report or witness statement after the accident to show you were an innocent victim in the car crash.

Reducing Your Coverage or Deductible

If you caused the accident, it will be hard to keep your insurance premiums at the same rate. However, reducing your coverage or increasing your deductible may help to keep your premiums at the same amount. Always ensure you can still afford to pay your deductible though, or this can hurt you more than it will help you.

Pricing Out a New Auto Insurance Policy

If your current insurance company is planning to drastically raise your rates after an accident, it may be time to find a new one. Take the time to price out a new auto insurance policy instead of assuming your current company is still the right one for you.

If you are looking to price out a new auto insurance policy in the greater Lakewood, CO area, contact Colling Insurance Services, Inc. We are here to help you with all of your auto insurance needs, including finding you an affordable policy after being involved in a car accident. Contact us today for a free quote.

Why Having Home Insurance Can Save You During the Holidays

The holidays carry a lot amazing moments in Lakewood. CO and residents take the good with the bad. Most of the time, they’re filled with family, friends, and cheer, but sometimes things go awry. Here are some common scenarios to keep in mind, and how home insurance can help. 

Kitchen Fires 

Fried turkey is certainly a crowd pleaser, but it’s not necessarily easy to make. There’s a reason why those who aren’t quite sure of what they’re doing with the fryer are more likely to cause a fire this year than not. Colling Insurance Services, Inc. can help you find a policy that protects against fire due to kitchen mishaps. 

Aggressive Animals

When guests come over to the house, they may end up being more stressed out than we realize. Bites and damage are more common around this time of year as dogs and cats adjust to new smells, people, and routines. Home insurance may be able to provide some type of relief if you are sued or possibly even cover the financial costs.

A Guest Slips

Whether it’s a toy that was left out in the unwrapping frenzy or an icy puddle on the front steps, you’re typically held liable for a guest’s fall. Whether it’s family or friends, it’s worth having coverage to help.

Car Thefts

When you shop, it’s normal to put some gifts in the trunk for safe keeping (and hiding) until you can get them in the house. Should they be stolen, home insurance may be the only way out of having to buy them all over again.

Colling Insurance Services, Inc. serves the people of Lakewood, CO, and can help you stay safe over the holidays. Call us for more information today!