Category Archives: Commercial Insurance

How to Maximize Your Workers’ Compensation Benefits

If you have an illness or injury related to your job, workers’ compensation benefits may be available to financially assist you and pay for your medical care associated with the condition. To make sure you get the most from your benefits, our team at Colling Insurance Services Inc. in Lakewood, CO offers the following advice.

Inform Your Employer Immediately

If you suffer an injury on the job, tell your employer ASAP. Waiting can raise red flags that result in the denial of compensation. Most employers have a form for you to fill out, which can be obtained from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Get medical care right away and retain copies of everything.

File Your Workers’ Comp Claim Right Away

Telling your employer about your injury is just the first step. You must also file a workers’ compensation claim to get a caseworker to process your claim. You may be entitled to coverage for medical costs and lost wages. An independent media exam will be conducted by a doctor your employer works with. The doctor will give you an impairment rating after an exam. The rating you are given will qualify you for temporary or permanent disability benefits depending on the severity of the injury.

Be Transparent and Consistent

When filling out forms or making statements to your job or medical provider, communicate honestly and clearly. Be specific about the incident and any pain or injuries resulting from it. Changing the story or keeping information to yourself can result in claims denial, which can be detrimental to your case.

Have an Attorney For Guidance

It is important to get someone on your side legally to give you advice and fight for your rights. Our agents at Colling Insurance Services, Inc. in Lakewood, CO, can help you retain a qualified lawyer. Contact us today with questions and to schedule a consultation.

A Major Cause of Bankruptcies and How Business Insurance Can Help

If you own a business in the Lakewood, CO, area, there is likely a lot on your plate. There’s payroll to meet, inventory to maintain, customers to care for, and more.

At Colling Insurance Services Inc., our commercial insurance services may not be able to help with everything, but there are times when they may save the day and your business. It can help should a customer experience a slip-and-fall or a fire, and it may even help cover the loss of income following a covered calamity.

Commercial insurance from Colling Insurance Services Inc. may even help protect you from theft, one of the biggest causes of small business bankruptcy.

Protecting Your Business from Theft

While commercial insurance can’t necessarily prevent theft, it can help cover your financial losses should theft occur. This includes theft from outside sources, like burglary and employee theft. Let’s say, for example, overnight some evening, thieves break in and steal your computers or a significant portion of your inventory. Commercial insurance would help cover your losses. Even if the bad guys cause damage to your business, your commercial insurance can serve as a cushion.

What some don’t realize, however, is that business insurance may also help cover losses due to employee theft, whether of cash or assets. This can be important coverage, especially for companies that make frequent cash transactions.

Get a Commercial Insurance Quote Today

You work hard to ensure the success of your business every day. Please do your best to protect it with commercial insurance from Colling Insurance Services Inc., serving the Lakewood, CO, area. Let”s discuss your business and its risks, and then we can create a free, no-obligation quote. Learn more about how business insurance can help keep your business up and running with a quote today. Call us at Colling Insurance Services Inc.

What A New Business Owner Should Consider When Seeking Commercial Insurance

A new business owner should seek adequate insurance coverage to protect their place of business, inventory, and equipment. Learn about some of the steps that should be taken to acquire adequate coverage.

An Appraisal

An appraisal of a business will indicate how much coverage is needed. The appraisal should include the value of the business and the land it is situated on. Any assets, including vehicles and equipment, should also be appraised.

A Consultation

A business owner can consult with one of our agents who serve Lakewood, CO. During the consultation with a Colling Insurance Services Inc. agent, the business owner can provide the agent with details about their place of business.

Many types of business insurance will protect a business owner. Our agent will outline how much coverage each type of insurance will provide. They will recommend insurance products that will provide the level of protection the business owner is seeking.

The Documents

When a client is ready to purchase business insurance, they will be provided with some documents outlining the coverage being obtained.

The Lakewood, CO agent who is providing services will outline the coverage. They will request that the client sign the insurance documents. If a client has a change in circumstances in the future, they can meet with the same insurance agent to modify their existing coverage.

Additional Information

If you are a business owner and are seeking insurance coverage, contact one of our agents at Colling Insurance Services Inc. today. The agent you speak with will help you prepare the insurance documents you need to provide your place of business with adequate coverage.

Who Benefits From Worker’s Compensation Insurance?

When you own a business with any number of employees, it’s essential that you have a worker’s compensation policy. This insurance is vital for protecting both you and your employees. These policies benefit both you as a business owner and the employees it covers. If you don’t yet have a worker’s compensation policy, it’s time to call us at Colling Insurance Services, Inc., in Lakewood, CO to find out more. 

It Benefits the Business Owner

Running a business can be complicated, but it can also pose dangers to workers. If a worker were injured or contracted a work-related illness there, this policy would pay the ensuing bills. These bills often include medical bills, but there may also be other costs. These can consist of the wages the worker lost when recovering from the injury or illness. Money may also be required for long-term care or even for pain and suffering. When you have this insurance, it protects you against most lawsuits. They can work with the insurance company instead of suing you after an accident. 

It Protects the Employees

If an employee gets sick or injured at work, they need to know that the funds will be available to pay for the medical costs and other bills. They benefit from worker’s compensation insurance because it provides those funds. They won’t have to worry that a small business can’t generate the money for their expenses. The money will be there when it’s needed. 

Get Your Worker’s Comp Policy

Keep both yourself and your employees protected with one of the vital policies. To get more information about these policies and to get started with one, give us a call at Colling Insurance Services, Inc., in Lakewood, CO.

Four Types of Commercial Insurance Coverage

If you own a business, you need commercial insurance. However, knowing which policies are right for you can be daunting. We offer commercial insurance policies at Colling Insurance Services in Lakewood, CO. 

1. General Liability Coverage

General Liability insurance protects you from liability claims. General liability covers the costs if your product or service injures someone or damages their property. 

You are also covered for false advertising, copyright infringement, and slander. Most policies also cover your legal expenses if you are sued. 

2. Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance is similar to a homeowner’s policy. It covers the structure of your building and its contents.

Even if you lease your space, this type of policy is essential. You probably have expensive equipment or inventory. Commercial property insurance covers these items as well. If your manufacturing center, storefront, warehouse, or office is damaged, you’ll have the money to repair or replace the property. 

3. Business Interruption Insurance

It would be best to have business interruption insurance, particularly for small- to medium-sized businesses. If you are unable to open your business for days or weeks, this will seriously affect your bottom line. 

Business interruption insurance is designed to cover the losses of being unable to open your business due to covered situations, including fire or plumbing issues. 

4. Worker’s Compensation Insurance

If you have one or more employees, you are required to have worker’s compensation insurance. If an employee is injured on the job, this policy will cover their medical expenses and lost wages while they recover. 

Commercial Insurance at Colling Insurance Services Inc. 

If you need commercial insurance in Lakewood, CO, contact us at Colling Insurance Services Inc. Our agents help you select the best policies for your business so you are fully protected.

Do I Need Worker’s Compensation Insurance? Understanding the Legalese

One part of owning and operating a Lakewood, CO business is ensuring the company follows local commercial laws. One such law ensures you are adequately insured with worker’s compensation policies. Worker’s compensation policies are designed to offer employees lost wages and medical reimbursement in case of an accident or illness caused while working. They thus likewise provide employers with work-related injury legal fees and protection from high medical costs. In short, worker’s compensation policies do work to protect everyone, which is a large part of why they are generally mandated by law.

Do I Need Worker’s Compensation Insurance: A Look at the Exemptions

We say "generally" because while most Lakewood, CO businesses will need this type of insurance, there are some exemptions. Our Colling Insurance Services, Inc. team is always here to cut through the noise and get our clients the answers they want about insurance policies. So, if you’re asking whether your business needs to have this type of insurance, our answer is yes, unless:

  • You employ casual repair or maintenance workers who earn under $2,000 annually. 
  • You employ real estate agents or brokers who are paid by commission.
  • You hire independent contractors and not your employees.
  • You hire drivers who work with a contract carrier.
  • You are a sole proprietor with no employees (you may but are not required to carry worker’s compensation for yourself).
  • You have an LLC, and your corporate officers or members choose to exclude themselves (again, you may carry worker’s compensation on their and your behalf but are not required to do so by law).

Learn More With Colling Insurance Services, Inc.

Have more questions about commercial insurance policies? Give our team at Colling Insurance Services, Inc. a call today and let us answer your questions and get your Lakewood, CO outfitted with the right insurance coverage for your needs and budget. 

Why is Commercial Property Insurance Important?

Commercial property insurance is not a legal requirement in the Lakewood CO area, but many people will purchase it to protect their interests. In addition, your lender will usually require you to indemnify your building in the event that you carry a balance. 

Commercial property insurance is a type of coverage that you can get even if you do not own your building, as businesses who lease or work from home can also purchase a policy. 

Your insurance will usually cover the various buildings that exist on your property. This can include sheds or workshops or storage facilities. A great deal of investment goes into the resources you use to manufacture your goods, and these can be susceptible to damage that occurs from heavy winds that affect your buildings and cause water damage from rain. 

You may also encounter a fire due to electrical surges or other causes that can raze your building and all your inventory to the ground. When your income is affected in this way, your insurance can actually help to cover a temporary loss of revenue. Speak to your knowledgeable Colling Insurance Services Inc. representative for more details about this benefit .

Additionally, your structure is indemnified against common perils that could occur, and these will often include repairs that are needed due to storms or fire. Your equipment and tools can also be included in this coverage, and your furniture and fixtures should be a part of this as well. 

We Can Help You

Colling Insurance Services Inc. helps entrepreneurs and business owners obtain the insurance products and services they need. Reach out to us by phone, online, or in person to discuss your situation further, and we serve those doing business in and around the Lakewood CO area. 

How To Find the Right Commercial Insurance for Your Business

When it comes to running a business, there are a lot of things to keep in mind. From product development and marketing to sales and customer service, there’s much to stay on top of. And one of the most important things to think about is commercial insurance. Commercial insurance protects businesses from liability in an accident or injury. But with so many different types of coverage available, how do you know which one is right for your business? Here’s a quick guide to finding the right commercial insurance for your business.

1. Understand Your State’s Insurance Requirements

Every state has different insurance requirements for businesses. So, the first step in finding the right commercial insurance is understanding what your state requires. Some states require companies to carry a certain amount of liability coverage, while others don’t have any specific requirements. Once you know what your state requires, you can start shopping around for a policy that at least meets those requirements.

2. Determine What Type of Coverage You Need

There are many different types of commercial insurance coverage available. Some common types of coverage include property damage, liability, workers’ compensation, and product liability. Depending on your business type, you may need one or more of these types of coverage. For example, if you have a lot of employees, you may need to carry workers’ compensation insurance. And if you sell products, you’ll need product liability insurance. Once you know what coverage you need, you can start shopping around for a policy that meets your needs.

3. Get Quotes from Multiple Insurers

Once you know what you need, it’s time to start shopping around for a policy. The best way to find a policy that meets your needs and budget is to get quotes from multiple insurers. When you request a quote, provide the same information to each insurer so that you compare apples to apples. And don’t forget to ask about discounts.

4. Read the Policy Carefully

Once you’ve found a commercial insurance policy you’re interested in, it’s essential to read it carefully. This will help you understand what’s covered and what’s not. And it will also help you ensure you’re comfortable with the coverage limits.

5. Work with an Insurance Agent

If you’re having trouble finding the right commercial insurance policy for your business in Lakewood, CO, you may want to work with an insurance agent. Insurance agents are familiar with the different types of coverage available and can help you find a policy that meets your needs.

Keep these tips in mind when you’re shopping for commercial insurance. By following these tips, you can be sure that you’re getting the right coverage for your business. Colling Insurance Services Inc is here to help with any questions about finding the right commercial insurance for your business. Give us a call today to learn more.

How Colorado’s Worker’s Compensation Laws Affect Small Businesses

Small businesses in Colorado must comply with the state’s workers’ compensation laws. These laws provide specific protections for employees who are injured or become ill due to their job. Colling Insurance Services, Inc. understands Colorado’s workers’ compensation laws are complex, so we’re here to help small business owners in Lakewood, CO become familiar with them before they open their doors.

How does workers’ compensation insurance work in Colorado?

Workers’ compensation insurance is designed to help cover the costs of medical treatment and lost wages for employees. In Colorado, small businesses must have workers’ comp insurance when they have one or more employees. Most business owners in Colorado purchase workers’ compensation insurance through a commercial insurer or the state-sponsored Workers’ Compensation Insurance Pool. Large employers may self-insure their workers’ compensation risks by obtaining approval from the Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation.

Colorado Workers’ Compensation Benefits

  • Workers’ compensation insurance pays for medical benefits for injured workers. These benefits include:

  • Payment of medical bills related to the injury

  • Reimbursement for travel expenses related to treatment

  • Vocational rehabilitation

In addition, workers’ compensation insurance pays benefits for lost wages for employees who cannot work because of their injuries. The wage replacement benefits are based on a percentage of the employee’s pre-injury earnings.

What are the penalties for not having Colorado workers’ comp insurance?

You could be fined up to $500 per day if caught without insurance. If an employee is injured while uninsured, you will be liable for the entire claim plus a 25% penalty fine. You may also be subject to civil and criminal penalties. The local government might shut down your business until you comply with the law.

Colling Insurance Services Inc. in Lakewood, CO, offers workers’ comp insurance to protect you and your employees. We have the experience and knowledge to help you get the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Call us today to learn more about our workers’ comp insurance options.

Types of Commercial Insurance You May Want to Consider

If you are running a business, you have a lot to lose if something happens. Not only could you lose your business, but you may also lose your home. Because of this, you need to have enough insurance to cover anything that could happen. 

So, what types of commercial insurance do you need? Here are some of the most common ones. 

General liability. This insurance will protect your business if someone is hurt on your property. It will also protect you if some property is damaged while you are meeting with your clients. Even if you meet with a client at another location, your business could be held liable if your client gets hurt. 

Commercial property.  This insurance will protect your office and everything that you have in it, such as your computer equipment, furniture, and more. 

Business income. This is an optional insurance option, but it is one that you may want to consider. It will help you protect your business if you have to close your doors temporarily. It will help you to pay your bills while your business is shut down. 

Errors and omissions insurance. This is helpful insurance in case you end up making a mistake that could cost your customer money.

Data breach insurance. If you handle sensitive information, you may want to carry data breach insurance. This will cover you if anyone steals your client’s information. 

If you own a business, you are going to need general liability and commercial property insurance. However, you may also want to carry business income and data breach insurance so that you are protected. 

If you want to make sure that your business is fully protected, don’t hesitate to contact us today at Colling Insurance Services Inc. in Lakewood, CO.