Author Archives: AgentInsure

What Type of Injuries Exempt You from Getting Workers Compensation

In Lakewood, CO, workers’ compensation provides medical care options and wage replacement for employees dealing with work-related illnesses or injuries. However, not all injuries qualify for these benefits. Certain situations and types of injuries may exempt you from receiving workers’ compensation.

Understanding the Scope of Employment

An injury must occur while performing job-related duties to qualify for workers’ compensation. Injuries that happen outside the scope of your employment, such as during your commute to and from work, typically do not qualify.

Exclusions for Self-Inflicted Injuries

Workers’ compensation benefits usually exclude injuries intentionally caused by the worker. The claim will likely be denied if an employee deliberately harms themselves or stages an injury to receive compensation. Additionally, workers engaging in reckless or dangerous behavior, such as fighting with coworkers or violating safety protocols, may also be exempt from benefits if the injury results from these actions.

Impact of Intoxication or Drug Use on Claims

Workers injured while under the influence of drugs or alcohol are generally ineligible for workers’ compensation. If an investigation reveals that intoxication played a significant role in causing the injury, the claim may be denied. Some employers may require drug testing after an accident to confirm whether substances were involved.

Criteria for Mental and Emotional Injuries

Not all mental or emotional conditions qualify for workers’ compensation, especially if they are not tied to a specific physical injury or traumatic work-related event. Without a tangible connection to the job, psychological stress alone often does not meet the criteria for benefits.

Colling Insurance Services Inc. – Your Guide to Insurance

Colling Insurance Services Inc. provides comprehensive answers to your insurance questions. We serve Lakewood, CO, and surrounding cities. Contact us today.

Three Reasons to Keep Your Commercial Space Landscaped Regularly

As a business owner, maintaining your property’s outward appearance, including its landscaping, is one of your responsibilities. While it may seem like a minor service, there are three key reasons why regular upkeep is essential.

1. Pest Prevention

Regular landscaping maintenance makes it difficult for unwanted pests to nest and get comfortable on your property. Areas that are neglected or poorly managed areas can easily become habitable by rodents and insects, leading to unwanted pest issues inside and outside your property. This can potentially damage the products or services you offer to your clientele.

2. Ensuring Cleanliness and Safety

Proper landscaping keeps the area looking clean and well-maintained. It helps prevent mildew build-up on the property, keeps dirt from accumulating on the building, and ensures walkways are clear and plants are under control. This makes your property safe and accessible for your employees and clients. Regular maintenance also allows you to identify and address any developing issues quickly.

3. Upholding a Good Reputation

Businesses that take care of their property are likely to maintain a good reputation and attract new clients. The outward appearance of your commercial property is a real-time advertising tool that can either attract new clients or deter them. Neglecting your landscaping can make your property appear abandoned and harm your reputation in the community.

If you are in the Lakewood, CO area, contact Colling Insurance Services Inc. for a commercial insurance quote today. We can assist you with required policies and other recommendations suitable for your type of business.

Know the Exclusions Before Filing Home Insurance Claims

Home insurance for residents living around Lakewood, CO, and surrounding regions is designed to provide financial protection during unexpected disasters. Still, it’s crucial to understand that not every situation is covered. Knowing what your policy excludes before filing a claim can save you from unpleasant surprises during a crisis.

Common Home Insurance Exclusions

While home insurance covers many perils, such as fire, theft, and certain natural disasters, there are common exclusions that homeowners should be aware of. Most standard policies do not cover damage caused by floods or earthquakes. These natural events typically require separate insurance policies, such as flood insurance or earthquake insurance. Additionally, normal wear and tear or neglect that leads to damage is not covered. Insurers will not pay for repairs if a home deteriorates over time due to lack of maintenance.

Another common exclusion is damage caused by certain types of mold, pests, or infestations. Many policies specifically exclude damage caused by termites, bed bugs, and rodents. Homeowners may also be responsible for any damages due to gradual leaks that were not promptly addressed.

The Importance of Reviewing Your Policy

Understanding exclusions in your home insurance policy is essential to avoid denied claims when you need most assistance. Reading through the fine print or discussing your policy with your insurance agent can help you clarify what is and isn’t covered. If your home is at risk for specific events that are excluded, such as flooding or earthquakes, you may need to purchase additional coverage.

Colling Insurance Services Inc. For Better Understanding of Insurance

Colling Insurance Services Inc. offers all of the information you need to get insurance. Our agency serves the locations in and near Lakewood, CO. Contact us today.

Why Deductibles Matter in Auto Insurance

Deductibles directly influence the cost of coverage and the amount you pay in the event of an accident claim. A deductible is the upfront cost to cover the repairs before the insurance agency pays anything. Understanding how deductibles work can help you make informed decisions about your auto insurance around Lakewood, CO, and manage potential expenses more effectively. It delivers a better budget plan.

How Deductibles Affect Premiums

One of the key reasons why deductibles matter is the impact they have on your auto insurance premiums. Generally, choosing a high-rate deductible lowers your monthly or annual premium. In the underwriting process, the policyholder signs an agreement to pay the upfront cost should something happen, reducing the insurer’s financial exposure. A low deductible rate means your premium is more and the insurance company will pay more should an accident occur.

Balancing the cost of premiums and deductibles is essential for finding the right policy. A high deductible may seem appealing due to the lower premiums, but it can leave you with significant expenses if you need to file a claim.

Deductibles and Claims

When you file a claim for damage to your vehicle, your deductible determines how much you will need to pay before the insurance covers the remainder. For example, if your deductible is $1,000 and your repair costs are $2,000, you pay $1,000, and the insurer covers the balance of $1,000.

Choosing the right deductible depends on your financial situation. A higher deductible might be the right choice if you can afford higher out-of-pocket costs.

Colling Insurance Services Inc. For Better Understanding of Insurance

Colling Insurance Services Inc. offers all of the information you need to get insurance. Our agency serves the locations in and near Lakewood, CO. Contact us today.

Boat Insurance for Before and After You Set Sail

Colorado’s Active Lifestyle and Boating Insurance

Colorado is renowned for its outdoors and active lifestyle, and this is no different for those residing in the Lakewood, CO area. From biking and hiking to swimming and boating, residents of Colorado spend a great deal of time outdoors and on the water. That’s one of the many reasons why boat owners count on the team at Colling Insurance Services Inc. for their boat insurance needs. Because as a boat owner, you need the security that comes with knowing you’re well-equipped to handle any challenges that come your way.

Stay Protected On Land and At Sea With Boat Insurance

When people think about boat safety and insurance, their minds often drift to boating accidents or mishaps on the water. However, boats can usually be damaged or require repairs without ever leaving the dock, garage, or trailer. Boat insurance covers everything from storm damage to transport accidents and even vandalism, offering protection for your vessel both on dry land and in the water. This comprehensive coverage can lead to significant savings, helping you maintain your vessel and finances in tip-top shape.

Boat Insurance Solutions in Lakewood, CO

If you’re looking for boat insurance or have questions about boat insurance and live in or around the Lakewood, CO, area, we’re here to help. The Colling Insurance Services Inc. team offers tailored boat insurance solutions to fit the needs of you and your vessel. Get in touch with us today to discover how boat insurance can provide protection both before and after setting sail.

Is Umbrella Insurance Required in Colorado?

Colorado Umbrella Insurance Requirements

With the many types of insurance coverage available for residences and commercial businesses, it can be overwhelming and confusing to understand what coverage is needed and required by the state of Colorado. One type of coverage that people frequently inquire about at Colling Insurance Services Inc. is umbrella coverage. They want to know whether it’s something they should consider and if it’s mandatory by the state.

What is Umbrella Insurance, and Is It Required in Colorado?

Umbrella insurance is additional coverage that provides protection beyond the monetary limits of other policies you have in place. Essentially, an umbrella policy is a supplement to existing policies, such as home, renters, or auto insurance.

In the event that your primary policy does not cover a particular situation or the limit of coverage has been reached, the umbrella policy can make up the difference and provide the coverage you need. You can rest easy knowing that you have extra coverage in cases such as personal liability, property damage, lawsuits, and injuries. Having the additional coverage an umbrella policy provides can help prevent a devastating impact on your financial security when an unexpected event occurs.

Understanding Colorado Insurance

While the state of Colorado requires automobile and motorcycle insurance, umbrella insurance is not mandatory. It is your choice whether it is beneficial to get an umbrella policy.

Discover more about umbrella insurance and how the extra coverage can benefit your current and future financial security.

Contact Colling Insurance Services

Our Colling Insurance Services Inc. team is just a phone call away, and they can tell you everything you need to know about getting umbrella insurance for your residence or business in Lakewood, CO.

Should Stay At Home Parents Purchase Life Insurance?

When considering life insurance, we often consider it necessary for the primary breadwinner. However, at Colling Insurance Services Inc. in Lakewood, CO, we frequently discuss the importance of life insurance for stay-at-home parents as well. Their contributions, while often unseen in financial statements, are invaluable. Let’s explore why life insurance is a wise choice for stay-at-home parents.

Valuing the Work of a Stay-at-home Parent

Stay-at-home parents perform various roles, such as childcare, housekeeping, transportation, cooking, and more. If something unexpected were to happen to them, the costs of replacing these services could be substantial. Life insurance can help cover these expenses, ensuring the family can maintain its lifestyle and function smoothly during a difficult time.

Financial Security for the Family

The loss of a stay-at-home parent can have a significant emotional and financial impact on a family. Life insurance provides a financial cushion that can help cover immediate costs like funeral expenses and ongoing costs such as childcare or education. This financial support can ease the burden on the surviving parent, allowing them to focus on their family’s well-being without financial stress.

Peace of Mind

Having life insurance for a stay-at-home parent brings peace of mind. Knowing that a safety net is in place can alleviate worries about the future. It’s about ensuring your family is protected and cared for, no matter what happens. This peace of mind is invaluable and allows both parents to focus on the present without undue concern about potential future hardships.

At Colling Insurance Services Inc., we believe in comprehensive family protection. Life insurance for stay-at-home parents is a crucial part of this strategy. For more personalized advice in Lakewood, CO, call us to discuss your options.

What Are the Benefits of Longterm Care Insurance?

Planning for the future often involves looking beyond immediate needs. At Colling Insurance Services Inc. in Lakewood, CO, we frequently emphasize the importance of long-term care insurance. As we age, the likelihood of needing long-term care increases, and having the right insurance can make a significant difference. Here are some of the benefits of long-term care insurance.

Financial Security

One of the primary benefits of long-term care insurance is the financial security it provides. The cost of long-term care, whether in a nursing home, assisted living facility, or at home, can be substantial. Without insurance, these expenses can quickly drain your savings and retirement funds. Long-term care insurance helps cover these costs, ensuring you don’t sacrifice your financial stability or loved ones.

Flexibility in Care Options

Long-term care insurance offers flexibility in the type of care you receive. Whether you prefer to stay in your home, move to an assisted living facility, or require nursing home care, your policy can be tailored to meet your needs. This flexibility allows you to choose the care that best suits your lifestyle and health requirements, providing you with greater control over your future.

Reducing Family Burden

Without long-term care insurance, family members often bear the responsibility of providing care, which can be a significant emotional and financial burden. Having a policy in place ensures that your loved ones aren’t strained by caregiving duties or unexpected expenses, allowing them to focus on spending quality time with you instead.

At Colling Insurance Services Inc., we believe in proactive planning. Long-term care insurance is a vital component of a comprehensive financial strategy. For more information on how long-term care insurance can benefit you, visit us in Lakewood, CO, or call us.

Five Different Types of Health Insurance Coverage

One would think all health insurance is the same, but that’s not true. We understand that finding the right health insurance coverage can be a daunting task. Colling Insurance Services, Inc. can assist you in Lakewood, CO.

1: Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

HMOs are a type of coverage that connects patients with " in-network " doctors. They only cover out-of-network cases in emergencies. These plans are convenient as they offer multiple locations throughout specific areas. They also allow you to get treatment from a PCP and emphasize prevention, care, and wellness.

2: Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)

A PPO is a network of healthcare providers where patients pay less if they visit in-network providers. These providers are often spread across specific areas, with some organizations being nationwide. These plans are ideal for individuals who travel frequently or prefer to keep their options open, as they can visit doctors and hospitals even if they aren’t on the preferred provider list.

3: Exclusive Provider Organizations (EPOs)

An EPO health insurance plan is similar to a PPO, except patients can only see in-network providers. These plans often include more providers in specific areas. The only downside is that they might require referrals to see any provider other than your PCP.

4: Point-of-service (POS) Plans

POS plans allow patients to pay less if they use specific doctors or hospitals for healthcare services. You can use providers in this type of plan’s network at lower costs. However, they often lack choice, and patients will need a referral to see a specialist. 

5: High-deductible Health Plans (HDHPs)

An HDHP is a type of healthcare plan with higher deductibles but lower monthly premiums. It can be an excellent choice for those who don’t frequently need to see a doctor. In addition, it can be used in conjunction with an HSA, which is a savings account for healthcare costs.

The Bottom Line

Choosing a plan can be complex, as many factors influence each plan. Colling Insurance Services, Inc. can help you find the perfect plan if you’re located in the Lakewood, CO, area. Contact us through our website or give us a call.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Braces?

Many people get dental insurance to help with the cost of those procedures. If you live in the Lakewood, CO, area, we invite you to consult with one of our experienced agents at Colling Insurance Services Inc. Our agency has been serving area clients since 1957, and we will work with you to find a customized solution for your insurance needs.

One dental procedure that can be costly is getting braces. According to Value Penguin, the costs of braces will vary based on the materials used and the length of time they will be needed. Dental insurance policies will cover some or all of the costs of braces. Almost all dental policies will cover the x-rays, examinations, and braces installation procedures by the dentist.

To discover whether your dental insurance policy covers braces, you’ll have to read some fine print in your policy. According to EHealthinsurance, it’s also essential to know whether the policy’s braces coverage will apply to the costs of braces for adults. The same website reports that although 25% of U.S. patients who wear braces are adults, braces are not typically covered for those clients. If you’re anticipating braces for you or someone in your family, you need to check your family’s parameters.

Call Us Today for an Appointment

When you need dental insurance, you need to get a clear picture of what your policy will cover. If you live near Lakewood, CO, we encourage you to meet with one of our agents at Colling Insurance Services to discuss your insurance needs. We will review our many coverage options and work with you until we can find suitable options for you. Call us for an appointment today, and let’s talk about insurance.