Is glass in my home insured under home insurance policy in Lakewood, Colorado?

Glass doors, windows, and fixtures are easy to break yet expensive to replace. While glass structures are technically covered by homeowners insurance, regular policies are often inadequate for covering the total loss. When you are insuring your Lakewood, Colorado home, it is a good idea to determine the level of coverage you need for the glass on your property.

When Glass Objects are Covered

If you encounter a disaster, such as a hail storm or thunderstorm, that damages your glass windows or sliding glass doors, your regular homeowners insurance policy should cover the damage. However, when just the glass structures are damaged, you might not meet your deductible and will likely have have to pay out of pocket. Filing small claims can be counterproductive because it will generally trigger a higher premium when you renew your homeowners insurance.

However, if you incur significant damage from natural disasters or vandalism, your home insurance will kick in to cover the replacement or repair costs. However, keep in mind that if you cause the damage, your claim will be denied by the homeowners insurance company.

Advantages of Glass Insurance

If glass is a prominent structural element in your home, it may be worthwhile for you to purchase glass insurance. Glass insurance is a rider that can be added to your policy and that specifically covers damage to glass as the result of natural disaster and acts of vandalism.

How an Independent Agent Can Help

An independent agent can help you determine the best way to protect the glass structures on your property. If adding glass insurance is your best bet, we can help you find the best rates on a glass insurance rider for your homeowners policy. Contact us today to keep your home sound and properly insured.