What Does Dental Insurance Cover and Not Cover?

Whether you have a dental insurance plan or just shopping for one in Lakewood, CO, it’s crucial to know what it covers before you go.

At Colling Insurance Services Inc., most dental plans cover routine maintenance. This may include cleanings or exams; preventive care, including X-rays and fluoride treatments; some orthodontics and periodontal procedures; treatment for accidents; root canals and extractions (pulling teeth) if needed to prevent infection—all at no cost or a nominal fee. Dental insurance coverage varies depending on your plan and insurer. While some plans offer more range than others, most plans cover at least one routine checkup yearly and regular cleanings every six months.

Dental insurance doesn’t cover everything. Unless they’re medically necessary, your plan won’t cover cosmetic dentistry like whitening or veneers. Some plans do not cover braces, while others will only pay up to a certain amount per year, which could be more than $1,000 per year, depending on your child’s orthodontic needs.

Dental insurance is a wise investment. Having dental insurance can help you maintain a healthy, bright smile. Plan-specific factors affect dental coverage. Dental coverage varies by policy and company, so read the fine print. However, they all aim to provide affordable access to high-quality dental care. 

Remember This 

Including dental insurance in your overall health plan, not just for emergencies, is the key to maintaining excellent oral health. Dental insurance doesn’t replace regular checkups or good oral hygiene. Before receiving coverage, most plans require patients to visit the dentist twice a year. Let our dental insurance specialists at Colling Insurance Services Inc., located in Lakewood, CO, guide you through the right insurance policy for you and your family.