What’s Covered by Worker’s Comp Insurance in Colorado?

If your Lakewood, CO business employs one or more workers, be they full or part-time, you’re required to have worker’s comp insurance. Worker’s comp covers accidental injuries of employees on the job. Worker’s comp is an important part of your company’s commercial insurance package. Here’s what all business owners should know about worker’s comp coverage from Colling Insurance Services, Inc.

What’s Covered by Worker’s Comp?

Workplace accidents can happen at any time, even in safe work environments. Worker’s comp insurance protects your business by covering employee injuries that occur on the job. This coverage includes: 

Accident Medical Costs – Worker’s comp pays for medical expenses of workers who are injured in an accident on the job. This includes slip and falls, broken bones, strains and sprains, back injuries, dislocations, and more. This coverage extends to rehab services or ongoing care, if needed, to help employees fully recover from injuries sustained on the job.   

Work-Related Illnesses – If an employee contracts an illness due to unhealthy workplace conditions such as poor ventilation, exposure to harmful substances, etc., worker’s comp in Lakewood, CO will help pay for his treatment costs.

Repetitive Injuries – Jobs that require repetitive actions like extensive sitting or standing or heavy lifting may result in repetitive injuries due to stressed muscles and joints. Worker’s comp will cover treatment for repetitive injuries if they are caused by your job.  

Lost Wages – Worker’s comp covers part of your employee’s lost wages while he or she is recuperating from an illness or injury related to his or her job.

Disability/Funeral Costs – If a work-related illness or accident results in disability or death, worker’s comp will pay disability benefits or cover funeral costs.

For more information about worker’s comp or commercial insurance policies in Lakewood, CO, contact Colling Insurance Services, Inc. today.