If My Home in Lakewood, CO is Damaged, will my Home Insurance Cover the Cost of Temporary Living Arrangements?

When your home in the Lakewood, Colorado area is damaged and is not longer habitable, then you may find that it is necessary to move to a temporary housing solution. The problem that you may worry about is whether you will be able to pay for those costs or if you have solutions to help pay for some of the expenses.

The Simple Answer

The easy answer is that many home insurance policies will provide some provisions to help pay for temporary arrangements if your home is uninhabitable. The key is that the damaged house must be determined unsafe for human habitation or for your family before you are able to make the most of the policy.

Although the insurance should provide some funds to keep you and your family for a short period of time, the amount of funds that you can expect and the method of providing those funds will vary.

Specific Details

Although most home insurance companies and policies will provide you with some funds for a hotel or rental space until your home is repaired, each policy will have different guidelines and specific requirements that you must look over to determine whether your home insurance policy applies to the situation.

Specific details, such as discovering that the damage was caused by poor maintenance, can mean that your home insurance company does not provide coverage for living costs when your house is being repaired. The situation can dictate the amount of funds or the options that you have available.

While your home insurance policy will have different guidelines and specific details, most situations will allow you to get a reimbursement or some funds for short-term hotel expenses or similar costs. For help finding the right home insurance policy for your needs, contact us to speak with an independent agent.