Planning Your Extended Boat Vacation: What Should You Pack?

Are you planning a summer boating adventure that lasts more than a week? Long trips give you time to truly relax and enjoy the solitude of open waters. But they also present unique challenges when deciding what to pack. Space is often limited, so cargo must be planned out thoroughly. Colling Insurance Services Inc. in the Lakewood, CO area wants you to get all the pleasure you can from your marine vacation. Use this guide to help choose what you bring out on the water.

  • Don’t overdo it on clothing. Unless you plan on spending a lot of time at ports, you won’t need much more than several sets of comfy swimwear, shorts, and t-shirts. Bring one or two formal outfits for nights out on the mainland.
  • Snorkels, fishing poles, and other sports gear should be packed last. That way you won’t have to waste time searching for them under a mound of supplies when it’s time to play.
  • Make sure your first aid kit is up-to-date. Include extra supplies of current medications and over-the-counter remedies you may need.
  • Keep a copy of your current boat insurance policy on board for emergency reference. Place it in a safe, waterproof container with your satellite radio, flashlight, flares, and other emergency equipment.
  • Limit grooming products to the absolute necessities. Multiple people can share products to save space and limit clutter.
  • Plan your food stores. If you won’t be making any restocking stops, make sure you have enough to keep everyone happy by writing out your daily meals.

Colling Insurance Services Inc. provides boat insurance policies for residents around the Lakewood, CO area. Contact us to learn how boat insurance can make your summer adventure safe and carefree.