Who Needs Umbrella Insurance

While most people have some form of insurance coverage on either home or car, it may not always provide them with enough insurance coverage. For Lakewood, CO residents that need additional insurance coverage, one great option would be to get umbrella insurance that provides you with additional personal liability coverage. There are several situations in which you could need insurance coverage.

You Have Significant Personal Assets

One incident in which you could use additional umbrella insurance coverage is if you have significant personal assets. Liability insurance on your home or auto policy will have a limitation that could be well below your personal net worth. This means that if you are found liable and are sued, you could risk losing some of your personal assets as well. To help cover yourself, having an umbrella policy that goes beyond your home and auto policy would be beneficial. 

More Potential for Liability

Another situation in which you should have an umbrella policy is if you have more potential for personal liability.  If you run a business, own real estate, or have another operation that poses more personal liability than the norm, having additional coverage could be very beneficial. An umbrella liability insurance policy should be able to provide you with coverage for all potential risks. 

In conclusion, if you feel that you are in need of more personal liability insurance coverage, a great option would be to get an umbrella insurance policy. When you are looking for a new umbrella insurance policy, a great option would be to reach out to Colling Insurance Services, Inc. Colling Insurance Services, Inc. is a leading insurance company serving Lakewood, CO and other areas that can provide you with a range of services. They will help you determine what level of umbrella insurance you need and provide you with a quote for a policy that provides adequate coverage.